A new move in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate was just discovered by Calvin “GimR” Lofton that he claims could change the meta. The new move is called the “Slingshot” and the technique combines multiple smaller mechanics to create something known as a bufferable input shortcut. If you are a competitive player, it might be something you would like to add to your arsenal of moves.

The Slingshot tasks the player by making two control stick movements in very quick succession. If the move is pulled off correctly, your character will dash in a direction but not dash backwards.

There are three ways the player can pull off the sling shot according to what GimR explained in his in-depth video.


The flickshot will allow the player to fly through the air in the opposite direction at max airspeed.

  • Make a dash move in a certain direction. After, flick the control stick to the bottom of the opposite direction and then jump.This will launch the player backward at max airspeed due to jumping while the player is at max ground speed.


The hold shot is a longer input that can take the player in the opposite direction in the air before placing you back in the fight.

  • Dash in a certain direction, hold the control stick to the bottom of the opposite direction to turn, and then jump.This move will work very similarly to the flick shot. However, holding the control stick in the opposite direction will give you the speed and allow you to space out with minimal delay.This move works well if you need to pressure a shield and moving to safety while returning attacks.


This move is also a longer input that takes you in the air in the opposite direction. But this allows you to move back in the direction you were facing post-jump.

  • Dash in a certain direction, hold the control stick to the bottom of the opposite direction to turn, and then jump. During the first frame while you are in the air, you will need to rotate the control stick from downback to fullback. This move is essentially the same as the hold shot, but the rotation of the stick on the first frame will allow you more of a boost forward.