With each Call of Duty that has come, there is a glitch that accidentally makes leveling up through its progression system almost effortless. The same can be said for a newfound bug within Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2’s multiplayer, as players have managed to gather thousands of weapon XP with just the press of a button. If you want to try it out, be ready to dodge some powerful tanks. Here’s how to do the XP glitch in MW2.

How to do the Suppression Mine glitch for weapon XP in MW2

The XP glitch mainly consists of players throwing the Suppression Mine Field Upgrade onto an enemy-occupied Light Tank in Ground War mode, as the bug causes it to continuously scan the opponent inside and repeatedly reward you with XP. As long as you remain on the battlefield, the Field Upgrade can gift you upward of at least 7,000 weapon XP each time the glitch is performed. You can also identify where Light Tanks are located from the in-game map (as shown below). Be forewarned; if you do not throw the mine directly onto the tank, the bug will not activate.

As simple as this sounds, we recommend bringing a few additional items with you before jumping into Ground War. The first should be Overclocked, a perk that recharges Field Upgrades 40% faster. This will allow you to do the glitch multiple times each match, as the Suppression Mine should be earned at least twice. More importantly, Smoke Grenades should also come incredibly handy when approaching these tanks, as they won’t spot your location upon standing nearby.

At the time of writing, the XP glitch has yet to be addressed by its developers, but you should still act fast before it is likely patched. Those who take advantage of it will ultimately have themselves a majority of the game’s 55 weapons, as most guns can only be unlocked by leveling up others in their Weapon Platform. Of course, this can even lead to you owning hundreds of attachments to upgrade overpowered base guns, such as the M4 assault rifle and FSS Hurricane SMG.