Grand Cathay is a new playable race introduced in Total War: Warhammer III. They are comprised of two new Legendary Lords, Miao Ying and Zhao Ming. They are siblings who can each transform into dragons and feature unique campaign mechanics new to the series. This guide will explain how to play as Grand Cathay and define their unique campaign and combat mechanics.

Grand Cathay is a defense-oriented faction. Whether playing as Miao or Zhao, Grand Cathay loses several faction-specific buffs and skills if they venture far from their homeland. Both sections start with rebellions near their capital city. Building up your forces and defeating these small rebel armies should focus on the first several turns.

Grand Cathay also has two unique faction mechanics. First is Harmony. In Grand Cathay, every research tree, building, and unit is designated by Yin or Yang. A symbol denoting how much Yin or Yang you have faction wide is available at all times. The further out of Harmony, the more negative modifiers will start to hamper economy and control. Achieving perfect Harmony will add several faction-wide benefits to economy, control, and unit strength.

The Wu Xing compass controls the winds of magic within Grand Cathay. Every eight turns, you can choose a direction that contains several unique buffs.

  • Great BastionPassive buff provides additional supplies for Grand Cathay armies defending settlements and additional casualty replenishment for all armies.Active buff decreases recruitment costs and provides a unique army ability to drop meteors on enemies.Celestial LakePassive buff provides growth to all Grand Cathay factions.Active buff gives additional income and stronger Winds of Magic growth within Grand Cathay regions.Warpstone DesertNo passive buff or growing/falling energy reserve for this region, due to the mass of warpstone.Active buff lowers corruption across Grand Cathay, guarantees lower Winds of Magic reserves, and gives a leadership debuff to enemy armies inside the nation.Dragon Emperor’s WrathPassive buff provides Control to all Grand Cathay factions.Active effect only at a full energy reserve applies massive (massive.) attrition to all Chaos forces besieging the Great Bastion.

The Great Bastion is a series of fortified gates that keep the forces of chaos from freely invading and corrupting the Cathay homeland.

  • Passive buff provides additional supplies for Grand Cathay armies defending settlements and additional casualty replenishment for all armies.Active buff decreases recruitment costs and provides a unique army ability to drop meteors on enemies.

  • Passive buff provides growth to all Grand Cathay factions.Active buff gives additional income and stronger Winds of Magic growth within Grand Cathay regions.

  • No passive buff or growing/falling energy reserve for this region, due to the mass of warpstone.Active buff lowers corruption across Grand Cathay, guarantees lower Winds of Magic reserves, and gives a leadership debuff to enemy armies inside the nation.

  • Passive buff provides Control to all Grand Cathay factions.Active effect only at a full energy reserve applies massive (massive.) attrition to all Chaos forces besieging the Great Bastion.

Once the rebel factions are defeated, the next step should be to ally with the surrounding sub-factions in the Grand Cathay homeland. Using diplomacy and gifting money is the best way to advance relations between rivals. Once a faction is friendly enough, you can confederate them, which gives you control of their cities, armies, and territory.

Here is the best way to improve relations with rival factions.

Optimal Diplomacy Choices

  • Trade Agreement – Both factions trade and increase incomeNon-Aggression Pact – Both factions vow not to attack each otherMilitary Access – Both factions can walk through territory without trespassingDefensive Alliance – Both factions swear to protect each otherMilitary Alliance – Both factions can declare war against the same rivalJoin Confederation – Their faction will join yours. You will assume full control.

Grand Cathay can only confederate other Cathay rivals and allies, including the remaining Legendary Lord. Once Grand Cathay is united through confederation or alliances, work on preparing defenses along with the Great Bastion.

With the Great Bastion well-defended, focus on leveling up and expanding the legendary lord’s army. To win the grand campaign, your Legendary Lord must enter four chaos gates. Then, a soul representing that Realm of Chaos must be captured in a massive battle to defeat that Realm. Once all four souls have been captured, a final portal opens. This final battle will be challenging and require a fully leveled army to pull through.

Grand Cathay is an excellent addition to the Total War: Warhammer series. The best strategy is to focus on defense, unite the kingdom, and then claim the souls with your Legendary Lord to secure a victory.