Genshin Impact has a large and diverse list of playable characters. With so many characters, not everyone has the time to test out every character’s kit and abilities. This guide will go over how to play Bennett in Genshin Impact, the unlucky adventurer who always seems to be getting into trouble.

Bennett is a 4-star character obtainable from either the Limited Character Banner, Limited Weapon Banner, or Standard Banner. From time to time, Bennett will also have a rate-up on the Limited Character Banner, increasing the chances of pulling him and his constellations. Bennett is renowned in Genshin Impact for being one of the strongest supports in the game, boasting some strong healing and team buffs.


  • Rarity: 4-starElement: PyroWeapon: SwordBest Role: Support


Strike of Fortune

Bennett unleashes a string of Normal attacks, able to chain up to 5 attacks in one string. Like any other character, Bennett also has a Charged Attack that deals increased damage and a Plunging Attack if he attacks from a certain height.

Bennett will rarely utilize his Normal Attacks or Charged Attacks in a fight, using his Elemental Burst and Elemental Skill instead. Therefore, you should not look to leveling up this talent.

Passion Overload

Passion Overload is a strong ability that can deal a decent amount of damage. The best thing about it is its ability to generate energy for himself and other Pyro party members, with a quick cooldown of 4 seconds and 2 seconds within his Elemental Burst (provided you have Bennett ascended.)

He does have a hold version with a different effect, but it’s generally useless, and you’re better off using the normal version of his Elemental Skill.

Fantastic Voyage

Bennett’s Elemental Burst, Fantastic Voyage, is his claim to fame and the reason why Bennett is regarded as the best character in the game. Bennett jumps into the air and slams into the ground, dealing Pyro DMG and creating an “Inspiration Field.” This field heals characters within the AoE if their health is at or below 70%, which scales off of his max HP.

Meanwhile, allies within the field will also gain an ATK buff when they are higher than 70% HP or any time when you have Bennett’s Constellation 1. Characters in the field are also imbued with Pyro. This means that this field can cleanse other elements you are inflicted by. For instance, if you are inflicted with Cryo from a Cryo attack, using Bennett’s burst will remove that element.

It also allows enemies to deal with strong attacks on you by creating Elemental Reactions. Against certain enemies, you actually want to be careful, as you may get one-shot within the field.

Bennett’s ATK buff is calculated by his ATK Bonus Ratio (dictated by his talent level) and his Base ATK. Base ATK is not his total ATK — it is the natural ATK he has and the ATK he gains from his weapon. (Weapons like the Skyward Blade that have high base ATK is, therefore, an important weapon on him.)

Snapshotting is an important mechanic to keep in mind when using Bennett’s Elemental Burst. When a character uses a deployable skill, such as Xiangling’s Elemental Burst, that skill will benefit from the ATK buff throughout its entire duration. In other words, if Xiangling’s Elemental Burst is still ongoing while Bennett’s Elemental Burst is no longer active, that specific ability will still benefit from the ATK buff.

A controversial aspect of this ability is unlocked when he reaches Constellation Level 6, which will be covered in a different section.

Rekindle & Fearnaught

Rekindle, Bennett’s 1st Ascension Passive, decreases Passion Overload’s cooldown by 20%, making Bennett more viable as a battery and increasing his damage output for his niche DPS builds. Meanwhile, his 4th Ascension Passive decreases Passion Overload’s cooldown by 50%. This means his Elemental Skill will be on a cooldown of 2 seconds within his Elemental Burst.

Best Arifacts and Weapons for Bennett

Bennett has numerous roles he can play, but his strongest is undoubtedly his role as a Burst Support. Bennett can deal a respectable amount of damage on his own, and his healing is naturally powerful.

To assist with his utility, we still recommend a 4-piece Noblesse Oblige set, which will increase his Elemental Burst damage and provide a team-wide ATK buff every time he uses it. Alternatively, if you’d rather squeeze out some more Burst damage and improve your Energy Recharge, you can use a 4-piece Emblem of Severed Fate set instead.

For his weapons, Bennett will appreciate any sword with a high base ATK to strengthen his Elemental Burst’s buff. For paid options, this means the Mistsplitter Reforged and Aquila Favonia are his best options. The Alley Flash is also good with its high base ATK, and the Skyward Blade provides tons of Energy Recharge. F2P players can use the Prototype Rancour, which has a respectable amount of base ATK for a free weapon.

Roles and Teams

National Team and its variants

Bennett is a core part of the National Team. Named by the community, the National Team is a strong composition that consists of two extremely valuable units: Xiangling and Bennett. These two units are near mandatory in this comp, which revolves around creating the Vaporize reaction.

Xiangling synergizes with Bennett in several ways. Bennett augments Xiangling’s greatest weakness, which is her high energy cost. In this team, Bennett is expected to cast his Elemental Skill and then cast to Xiangling. This will funnel his energy particles to Xiangling, which will make her Elemental Burst charge faster. The two also give a teamwide ATK buff with Pyro Resonance.

The next unit will most likely be Xingqiu. His Elemental Burst is extremely powerful in applying Hydro element, which allows Xiangling’s burst to deal high damage when it Vaporizes an enemy. A variant of Xingqiu is Tartaglia.

The final unit slot will go towards a unit like Kazuha, Sucrose, or Raiden Shogun. The former two provide extra damage with their Elemental DMG buffs or Elemental Mastery buffs, while the Raiden Shogun will deal extra Overload damage and recharge your allies Elemental Bursts at a much faster rate.

Who doesn’t Bennett work with?

Bennett’s healing and ATK buff make him a general support character for many all teams in the game. However, there’s a sentiment that Bennett can work with all teams in the game. While this is somewhat true, Bennett is not the best choice in all teams. His versatility isn’t all-reaching, so it’s easier to talk about which teams Bennett is outclassed in instead.

Namely, these two teams are mostly Freeze teams and Physical teams. Freeze teams use up all four slots with at least two Cryo units for Cryo resonance, a Hydro unit to apply the freeze, and an Anemo unit for resistance shredding and crowd control. Bennett has no place in a Freeze team, and he will often mess things up by melting enemies out of their Frozen state.

Additionally, Physical teams (characters like Eula or Razor) would rather have Electro units to apply Superconduct over Bennett. This is less egregious, however, and Bennett can work with some Physical teams with careful rotations.

The Constellation 6 debate

Bennett’s Constellation 6, often the biggest power spike for many characters, is one of the most controversial aspects of his kit. It has a reputation for “ruining accounts,” and “ruining one of the best supports in the game.” This is because his Elemental Burst infuses characters’ Normal Attacks with the Pyro element, while also providing a 15% Pyro DMG bonus.

This means that characters’ Normal Attacks will deal Pyro damage instead of Physical damage. This already means Bennett can no longer perform optimally with most Physical carries in the game. Additionally, characters with weak infusions like Keqing will have her Elemental Skill overridden by Bennett’s Constellation 6.

The big risk of Bennett’s Constellation 6 is the possibility that future comps will be ruined by Bennett. However, it is also unfair to say that you should never upgrade to Bennett C6. This is a list of all the characters in the game, and how they are impacted by Bennett C6.

As you can see, Bennett’s C6 does not have a heavy impact on most characters in the game. It does, however, negatively affect some, and can negatively affect characters in the future. It’s important to study whether or not Bennett works for your teams, and whether or not you would benefit from his Constellation 6.


Save for Constellation 6, which had its own huge section, Bennett’s other Constellations are mostly straightforward. Here’s an overview of all Bennett’s constellations:

That’s all you need to know about how to play Bennett in Genshin Impact. Follow this guide to create the strongest possible builds for your Bennett.