Call of Duty Mobile opened beta access in India a couple of days back, and so far the game looks pretty damn amazing. However, since the developers are rolling out access invites to only some people at a time, chances are you’ve not received access to the game from the Play Store yet. That’s what happened with me as well. However, if you really want to try the game out, you can do that pretty easily. So, here’s how to install and play Call of Duty Mobile on any Android phone.

Installing the CoD game on your phone is actually a pretty easy task. There’s not a lot to do, but for the sake of clarity I’ll explain everything in detail.

You can now run the game on your phone. You can either log in with your Facebook account, or play the game as a guest.

Play Call of Duty Mobile Right Now

So that’s pretty much it, you can simply follow these steps to install and play Call of Duty Mobile on your Android smartphone without having to wait for the developers to roll out beta access for your account. Keep in mind that you may encounter network errors sometimes, and since the game is in beta, the servers might also be taken offline for maintenance regularly (this actually happened two days ago), so just be patient. Also, let us know if the game worked for you outside of India with a VPN, and how your experience with the game has been so far.