To play co-op with friends in Aragam 2, you will first need to load into a game. You can do this by pressing a button or clicking start when loading into the game.

After you load into the game and are inside the village, open the menu and then find the online options section of the main menu below. 

Clicking options will reveal a total of three options as listed below.

  • Join Public SessionCreate Public SessionCreative Private Session

Choosing the first two options will allow you to either join public games with other players or create a game that other players can join you. But if you want to create a game and only invite your friends, you will need to click create the private session option. 

Clicking invite will open a tab that will show your platform’s friend list, allowing you to invite your friend to your game. Afterward, you and up to two friends will be able to play Aragami 2 co-op together.

For more guides on Aragami 2, check out our entire Aragami 2 guide catalog.