Kostaltyn is the second Legendary Lord for Kislev, and offers a far different experience than Tzarina Katarin. Expect to struggle a bit in the beginning to begin your empire, but mid to late-game can be similar to Tzarina Katarin if you can survive.
Players will start without much in terms of settlements — Castle Alexandronov is a four-slot settlement on the western coast of Troll Country, and a short skip from where the Prince of Daemons begins. Capturing the rest of Troll Country is an easy enough tasking in the first few turns, but that still doesn’t give the Great Orthodoxy access to anything above T3. Aiming to confederate the Druzhina Enclave, who holds Erengrad, is one way to get out of this early-game rut.
The Burning Brazier
The Burning Brazier is a strong item to help get the Great Orthodoxy off the ground, and is available once Kostaltyn reaches level 10. This quest will pit the Great Orthodoxy against a Dark Elves army of fifteen, with the Dark Elves on the offensive. There is no time to place units and strategize, however, so you’re fighting a battle on the back foot with no time to shift units around.
Two nasty hydras come from the rear, and watch for spellcasting aimed to break ranks before a charge. If you can stem the onslaught of the Dark Elves, players will be handsomely rewarded with a unique item.
While Kostaltyn starts in a difficult situation, he has some unique abilities that can be unlocked. The Arcane Vassal gives him an explosive fireball that can break ranks before a charge, and he also holds a litany of leadership buffs that make his troops nigh-unbreakable.
A big advantage he holds is within Orthodoxy and devotion, two key game mechanics within the faction of Kislev. With the ability to drastically increase the amount of devotion gained per turn, the Great Orthodoxy can fitting use Motherlands abilities often, offering a helping hand in dire times to change the flow of the campaign.
Unique Units
As Kostaltyn shares the faction with two other heroes, he does not have any unique units.