Minecraft became one of the most popular sandbox games in the market since its release almost a decade ago. It has a vast community of players, including casual and professional gamers, who use their creative skills to the fullest in the block-based building game. But, if you didn’t already know, players need to pay up a hefty sum to play the game and explore the Minecraft universe. So today, we will tell you a way to play Minecraft for free.

  • Open a web browser of your choice on your PC or laptop.
  • Go to the URL bar and type classic.minecraft.net or go to this link.
  • The website will open, asking you to input a username of your choice.

Now, you will be able to play Minecraft right in your web browser. Use the WASD keys to move around, left-click to mine blocks or place new blocks, right-click to toggle between the two and the numeric keys, or the scroll wheel to select the material of the building blocks.

So, the web browser version of the game is actually Minecraft Classic that was released way back in 2010. It is essentially an early version of the game that only lets you use 32 blocks to create and build something new.