The Graveborn in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is a unique class. Players choosing Graveborn are choosing a high-risk, high-reward character. The Graveborn’s Action Skills play heavily into its health, often dealing damage at the cost of HP. Graveborn players will operate best at mid to long-range and should pay especially close attention to their HP, especially on higher difficulties. The Graveborn will also come with a helpful companion that helps players deal damage from a distance to preserve HP until it is most effective.

What are the Graveborns Class Feats and Action Skills?

The Graveborn’s Class Feat is Demi-Lich Companion. Players of the Graveborn class are followed by a Demi-Lich that helps them in combat by targeting enemies and dealing with Dark Magic Damage. The Demi-Lick has a great attack range and can do some serious damage, especially when leveled up.

The Action Skills of the Graveborn class are Dire Sacrifice and Reaper of Bones. These two Skills have a large effect on the player’s health. Dire Sacrifice will take a bit of the Graveborn’s health to deal damage to surrounding enemies. Reaper of Bones heals the players and then inflicts a steady amount of damage to them while increasing their Leech Efficiency and Bonus Dark Magic Damage.

Interested in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands class tips and want to read more? Check out All Class Feats in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands on Pro Game Guides!