Being a remastered version, Diablo 2: Resurrected has most of the easter eggs and riddles found in the original version of the game. One such easter egg is the famous secret cow level available to play at the end of your regular campaign. To play the secret cow level, you will need to transmute Wirt’s leg and Tome of Town Portal in the Horadric Cube.  

Where to Find Wirt’s Leg?

You can find Wirt’s Leg in Tristram on the top left corner of the map. To visit Tristram, follow the steps given below.

  • After completing your campaign, return to Rogue Encampment.Now, using the Rogue Encampment waypoint portal, travel to Stony Fields.After teleporting, walk parallel towards the bottom of the map till you find the Cairn Stone.Using the Cairn Stone, You will enter Tristram. Earlier, you would have visited the location to complete the Search for Cain quest. Now, again walk towards the top left corner of the map, as shown below. Remember to use the character position as your reference.

  • Collect Wirt’s leg from Wirt’s body and return to Rogue Encampment.

Opening the Secret Cow Level Portal

After collecting Wirt’s leg, You can open the secret level using these steps.

  • Take the Wirt’s leg and a Tome of Town Portal and place them inside the Horadric Cube.You will receive the Horadric Cube by the end of the game. After placing, Press the transmute button, and a new portal will open in front of you.

  • The new portal will take you to the secret cow level. You can check the portal by hovering your mouse.

Remember, do not change the difficulty level while opening the secret cow level as it disrupts the combination.

For more awesome guides, check out the Diablo 2:Resureected Section on Pro Game Guides.