Steam has been a dominant name in the PC gaming business, and they are looking to expand that to the handheld market. They intend to do this through the Steam Deck. This device is essentially a powerful handheld computer that can be taken on the go. It is to begin shipping in February, so some may be wondering how to pre-order one.

The Steam Deck is available exclusively through Steam, and so those looking to pre-order it must do so there. On Steam, players can select and reserve which model of Steam Deck they want. Once you have reserved your Steam Deck, you will be on a list to receive one once they start shipping.

There is no guaranteed timeline for when your Steam Deck will arrive, but it will likely be on a first-come, first-serve basis. This means those who pre-order early will get theirs first. So keep an eye on your email to see when yours will be shipping and arriving.

Valve is limiting the Steam Deck to one per customer regardless of stock. This is to prevent bots and scalpers from buying them all up. They have taken other precautions against this, so hopefully, there will be enough Steam Decks for everyone!

For more information on the Steam Deck, check out How long is the Steam Deck battery life? and Steam Deck Screen Size, Dimensions, and Specs on Pro Game Guides.