The Pokémon Go Battle League will work a bit differently for Season 6. At the start of the season, each player working their way through the ranks will have to earn additional battle and wins to rank up at certain points. It starts to happen after rank five. Plus, players can work their way up to earning rank 24, whereas previous seasons only went up to rank 10.

Here’s the full breakdown for each rank in the Pokémon Go Battle League.

  • Rank 1: Starting rank, everyone is reset to rank 1Rank 2: Five additional battlesRank 3: Three additional winsRank 4: Four additional winsRank 5: Five additional winsRank 6: Six additional winsRank 7: Seven additional winsRank 8: Eight additional winsRank 9: Nine additional winsRank 10: Five additional winsRank 11: 11 additional winsRank 12: 12 additional winsRank 13: 13 additional winsRank 14: 14 additional winsRank 15: Five additional winsRank 16: 16 additional winsRank 17: 17 additional winsRank 18: 18 additional winsRank 19: 19 additional winsRank 20: Five additional winsRank 21: Battle League rating 2,000Rank 22: Battle League rating 2,500Rank 23: Battle League rating 2,750Rank 24: Battle league rating 3,000

Players will be spending quite a bit more time participating in the Pokémon Go Battle League for Season 6. There will be more chances to reach higher ranks, additional rewards, and the overall season will be longer. It’ll likely go hand in hand with the new Pokémon Go Seasons system, which starts on December 1 with winter.

The longer season would probably work better for trainers who don’t participate too often. We don’t know how the breakdown of the Great, Ultra, or Master Leagues will work or if they’ll remain on the same rotation, but the entire season consists of multiple iterations of them. Traditionally, a single season would be broken up into three separate times for them, and then a final week with all three of them active.

Hopefully, the rewards match the extended length, and trainers receive additional, worthwhile rewards as they rank up.