Mystery Gifts are an important aspect of the Pokémon series, and they’re making a return to Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. These are how you will receive multiple items and exclusive rewards from the Pokémon Company. Knowing how this system works is important, especially if you pre-ordered Scarlet or Violet and want to receive your rewards. Here’s what you need to know about how to receive Mystery Gifts in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.

How to get Mystery Gifts in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

You will need to go through the story before you reach the academy in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. When you get your first Pokémon Center, you’ll unlock the capability to use a Poké Portal. This will be how you go through and use anything related to the online services in Scarlet and Violet, such as multiplayer, trading, or even Tera Raid battles with your friends. Because it features online services, Mystery Gifts are part of them.

You can find the Poké Portal in your main menu. After clicking it, scroll down to the Mystery Gifts option in the Poké Portal menu.

Once you’ve clicked on this option, there will be multiple ways for you to receive a Mystery Gift. You can obtain it through the internet, using a code or password, or check to see if you have any Mystery Gifts waiting for you or what’s going on in the Poké Portal News. If you’re trying to receive a reward through the internet, you must have a Nintendo Online Subscription to access the internet while playing Scarlet and Violet. The same goes for trading or Union Circle with your friends to explore Paldea.

Your Mystery Gift should automatically go into your inventory once you redeem it.