Chrono Cross follows Serge, a teenage boy who becomes swept up in a story of parallel worlds and inter-dimensional threats. While attempting to uncover the truth of his past, Serge will gain many different allies to help him in his journey, each with their own rich backstories and motivations. There are a total of 45 playable characters in Chrono Cross, meaning you’ll have plenty of options to form the perfect team. For this guide, we’ll be looking at a mysterious voodoo doll who gained sentience—Mojo. Here’s how to recruit Mojo in Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition.

Note: Minor character spoilers for Mojo follow.

Where to find and recruit Mojo

Mojo is the fourth character that can be recruited in Chrono Cross, though the method for acquiring him isn’t very obvious. Before recruiting Mojo, first, you’ll need to obtain a Shark Tooth from Home World’s Arni Village. To do this, head into the top-right hut within the village and head toward the back. Take the ramp down to find a fisherman, then speak with him to receive a Shark Tooth.

From there, head to Opassa Beach to travel to Another World, then return to the fisherman’s hut in Arni Village. The fisherman never took up fishing in this world, instead spending his time praying to a straw doll. Present the Shark Tooth to the would-be fisherman of this world at any point after defeating Karsh at Cape Howl, then attempt to leave the room. Mojo will spring to life and request to accompany Serge, joining your party in the process.

Mojo’s abilities

Mojo’s attack and defense stats are lower than most characters, though his extremely high agility stat makes up for his weaknesses. His innate element is Black, the elemental color closely associated with shadow and space, meaning he’ll benefit the party most when facing off against opponents with an innate White element. When using the Voodoo Dance tech, Mojo imbues his feet with dark energy before dancing over to the enemy and bashing them, afflicting foes with a curse.

Mojo’s Carwheel tech sees him igniting the ends of his limbs with a black flame before cartwheeling toward his opponents, hitting all enemies on screen and dealing a hefty amount of damage. Mojo is a bit weaker than most characters you’ll encounter while playing Chrono Cross, but is the first innate Black element character that can be recruited and has a ridiculously high agility stat, making him very useful to have early on!

Looking for more great Chrono Cross content? Be sure to check out How to recruit Poshul in Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition here at Pro Game Guides.