Early on in your playthrough of Chrono Cross, you will likely come across a skull painted like a clown — and if you didn’t, don’t worry, you didn’t miss anything. This skull has amnesia and is looking for the rest of their body, which they believe will help them regain their memories. If you’re looking to add yet another party member to your roster, you’ll want to know how to recruit Skelly in Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition.
Skelly is split into six parts: a Heavy Skull, a Good Backbone, an Angry Scapula, a Pelvic Bone, some Sturdy Ribs, and some Mixed Bones. Be aware that you cannot fully recruit Skelly until you unlock the boat after the events at the Viper Manor. Here’s the six locations of Skelly’s parts, and the earliest you can obtain them:
Heavy Skull
The Heavy Skull may likely be your first Skelly item — it is inside the giant Dragon skull at the Fossil Valley, first obtainable when you cross through the Valley to reach Termina.
Good Backbone
The Good Backbone isn’t obtainable until you unlock the boat, but you can begin the process to unlock it right away. After leaving Arni Village, head to the Hydra Marshes. Head through the poison water to the left and follow the path until you reach some knights. Talk to them to unlock the Safety Gear, which prevents the poison water from hurting you. Head to the right and try to interact with the plant at the top of the log — it will swipe at you, and your party will say that it’s too dangerous to proceed.
After the events in Viper Manor, you will find yourself in the water village of Guldove. Progress through the story until it is time to ride the boat (your Kid choice does not matter.) Head to the bar and talk to the Dwarf in the back — he will grant you the Green Tinkler. Take the boat back to Termina, back to the Hydra Marshes, and head back to the plant that slapped you. Use the Green Tinkler and you can proceed through the Marshes. Head through to the right until you cannot go right anymore and you should see the screen pictured above. In that cave is the Good Backbone.
Angry Scapula
If you chose Nikki as your guide to infiltrate the Viper Manor, you can find this in the cave where he is located after saving him from the Cassiowaries. If you chose Guile or Pierre, you can only visit the Shadow Forest, located to the east of Termina, after obtaining the boat. Head to the spot located in the screenshot and climb down into the underwater hole to discover the hidden cave.
Pelvic Bone
After the events in Viper Manor, but before you obtain the boat, speak with the Element Trader right outside Macha’s House in Guldove. Regardless of whether you make a purchase or not, they will offer you a bone item. Accept it to receive the Pelvic Bone.
Sturdy Ribs
Once you’ve unlocked the boat, head to the south of Termina to the Water Dragon Isle. Navigate to the top-right of the screen you enter in and talk to the man standing there. He will give up the Sturdy Ribs.
Mixed Bones
The last piece is located in the top right corner of the overworld. Take the boat to the Isle of the Damned, and march up to the top-left of the map. Inside the cave is the Mixed Bones. Upon gathering the last piece, Skelly will sing a short song and disappear, saying that they will see you again.
To recruit Skelly, head back to Termina and head to the upper-most house on the first screen. Go in and speak to the grandmother sitting in her chair. Skelly will wobble in and an emotional reunion will play out. Leave and re-enter, then talk to Skelly in the chair. Skelly will now be available to use as a party member.