The Guardian Games have begun in Destiny 2. The seasonal event invites players to start grinding out Laurel Points to compete against the other classes in the game to see who can come out on top of the three choices. To give your class points and to increase the overall total, you need to turn in Guardian Game Medals.
You receive these Medals from Eva, whom you can find at the center of the Tower. Speak to her and purchase the various Guardian Game Medals she has to offer. There are versions for bronze, silver, and gold-based tasks. The high-quality of Medal has a more difficult task tied to that medal. For example, the Crucible Medals require you to participate in the Crucible to take out other Guardians. The bronze medal challenge has you take out 10 Guardians, whereas the gold medal challenge requires you to take out 50.
Once you complete these Guardian Game Medal challenges, you need to return to the tower and turn them into the Guardian Games Podium. You can find it right at the center of the area, behind Eva. Approach the Podium and go beneath the flag of your class. If you’re a titan you need to go to the Red Flag, Warlocks go to the Yellow Flag, and Hunters go to the Blue Flag. When you’re under the flag, interact with the mote deposit and your Guardian does a brief animation to turn in their Guardian Games Medal. There’s a bit of fanfare involved with the act, and you will have contributed to the games.
The winner of the Guardian Games is the class that receives the most points. If you want your class to win the most points, you need to speak to Eva to do Guardian Game Bounties and Medal tasks every day. The Guardian Games continues until May 11.