The routines in Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm and Exercise allow you to receive an almost full-body workout. They can work up quite a sweat, and so long as you don’t overexert yourself, you should be able to play with minimal stress on the joints.

However, everyone feels pain differently, and as such, some of the more intense or fast movements, like the ducking and swaying actions, can be painful to perform. The last thing you want to do is go into a daily routine with one of these actions and exacerbate an existing discomfort.

Thankfully, Fitness Boxing 2 has the option to take out many options that will allow you to enjoy your daily routines, knowing that certain actions will not be coming back into your workout rotation.

To set this up, you need to head to the settings in the main menu of the game, which will be at the bottom. From here, head to Daily Workout Settings, and you should be presented with a set of options that you can turn off. These include the ability to remove:

  • DuckingWeavingBody PunchesStepsSway Backs

They will all be automatically enabled when you first play the game, and the daily routines will ease in many of the moves from the above list over time. It is recommended that you use the training options for each maneuver, which will help test how each one feels for you. If disabled in the Daily Workout Settings menu, you will not receive that type of move in your daily scheduled routine.