Downloading an entire app just to use a specific feature seems rather inconvenient. That’s the reason why App Clips is being highly appreciated for allowing iPhone owners to use a specific feature of an app without having to install it. This new feature has not only changed the way we look at apps but also offered a smarter way of managing storage. Having said that, not everyone is a fan of this feature. If you too find this feature annoying at best, here is how you can restrict App Clips in iOS 14 on iPhone and disable it.
Apple has added a new setting hidden inside Screen Time to let users allow/disallow App Clips in iOS 14. That means, every time you want to disable of enable this feature, you will need to dive deep into the Content & Privacy Restrictions section located in Screen Time.
- Up next, tap on App Clips.
Stop Anyone from Using App Clips on iOS 14
So, that’s the way you can restrict App Clips in iOS 14 on your iPhone. Though I would have liked to get a slightly easier way to manage its access, I don’t mind taking a few extra steps as long as it offers better control.