To return to your home in DogLife, You have to use the Wander option under the Activity tab and complete the small card-based mini-game. 

Wander Option 

The wander option under the activity tab will be available to use once you are out of your adopted home/Shelter. The wander option contains the route to all the destinations you have visited in your lifetime. Apart from that, it also allows us to roam and explore new places.

Returning to your home in DogLife

To do this, follow the steps given below.

  • Click on the Wander option, and in the drop-down box, choose the destination you want to travel back.A small memory-based mini-game will open in front of your screen.Now, complete the game by remembering and matching the same types of cards.

  • After completing the mini-game, you will return to your desired destination.

Will they take you back inside?

Now, this is a very tricky question to answer. If you are heading back to a shelter, they will take you back under any circumstances. But, If you are heading back to your original birth home or adopted home, you are likely to be rejected if you were a naughty little brat or spent too much time away.

Remember, The wander mini-game starts with a pile of eight cards and keeps on increasing as you return each time. Also, there is no time limit to complete the game so take your time and finish it. 

For more awesome guides, check out the DogLife section on Pro Game Guides.