Not every Brookhaven player lives their life inside of the quaint virtual city the same—some adopt nine children, some become astronauts, some focus on flipping houses, and some become wanted criminals. Robbing the bank in Brookhaven can gain your character some serious street cred if you make it out unscathed, however, if done incorrectly or too slowly, you may end up in the slammer.

Locating the bank

The bank can be seen from the spawn area if you turn your camera towards the large swing set—it’s located across the street from the adoption agency and next to the RockStar retail store.

Robbing the bank

To get started robbing the bank, enter through the front doors and walk behind the counter to grab the green key card. If there’s someone working at the desk, try entering through the back door that can be accessed through the alley to avoid detection. The key that you’re looking for is pictured below.

Once you’ve grabbed the key, head up the stairs to unlock the employees only door. After doing so, you will enter the vault room.

Now for the loud part. To break into the vault you’ll need to equip yourself with a bomb. Luckily, you’re already carrying one in your backpack—how safe. You may need to scroll for a second or two to find the bomb.

After you’ve found the bomb, select it from the menu to add it to your hot bar, and then select it from your hot bar to hold it in your hand. Approach the vault door and click on the bomb in your hand to place it on the floor in front of you. This next step is crucial—you only have a few seconds to detonate the bomb before it despawns, so drop it quickly and run away!

Click the green detonate button on the left side of your screen to set off the bomb.

If placed correctly and close enough to the vault, the bomb’s explosion will blow the vault’s door off of its hinges. This explosion will alert the police, and everyone else in the server with you, that the Bank is being robbed, so hop into the vault, grab the bag of money, and head toward the door!

Keep in mind that you’ll need the green access card again to leave the vault room. After unlocking the employee door once more you can head down the stairs and make your break for the front or back door. The Brookhaven Bank has successfully been robbed.

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