The Huntress is Dead By Daylight’s resourceful Killer. She is easily recognized for the lullaby she hums while patrolling the field in the game. She’s one of the staples for Dead By Daylight, making her inclusion in Hooked On You an easy choice. Here is how you can successfully romance The Huntress in Hooked On You: A Dead By Daylight Dating Sim.
How to romance The Huntress in Hooked On You
When going through the story of Hooked On You and trying to romance The Huntress, there are a couple of things to remember. First, always pick her to tell a story and to go on a date with her. Also, she really cares about family and providing for herself, so always choose the options that adhere to her mother or the possibility of having kids, and don’t try to protect her in tense situations.
When you make a good decision with her, hearts will fly from her face letting you know she loved what you did. You don’t need to make the perfect choice every time, just enough so she chooses to be with you in the end. Here are some of the more important decisions we found in our time with her.
At the beginning of the game, choose The Huntress as the Killer who caught your eye. She will have you throw hatchets at a target. Time your button presses with the mini-game so it gets close to the target. All of these mini-games are the same and are pretty forgiving, so just try to get close.
After you pass out on the beach, Huntress will wake you up and offer you some jerky. Accept it, and when she finds the trinket in the sand, grab it and put it in her hair. She loves trinkets, so she appreciates you showing her something new.
Pick her to tell a story at the fire in the first night. She will go into her backstory from Dead By Daylight and begin singing a song. When it is time for you to contribute, join in singing.
After everyone goes to bed, you will have problems sleeping. Call The Huntress to help you sleep, and she will give you a drink that knocks you out. If you have been making these decisions, the in-between day confessional will have her saying that things are going well.
The next day, you will be in the hot tub and choose to hang out with either The Huntress or The Spirit. Obviously, choose The Huntress if you want to romance her. She will take you to a cabin in the forest. As she shows you her trinkets, impress her by showing interest in them. Eventually, some crabs will show up and attack. Don’t worry about protecting her, and don’t show fear. Grab a shashka. When she asks about starting a family one day, choose “Of course!”
Claudette and Dwight will arrive and drag you to the beach where The Trapper will try and steal you away. Obviously, choose to stay with The Huntress and don’t give in to anger.
When you go back into the forest, The Huntress will hide and you need to find her with a mini-game. Get it close and she will be impressed. When she begins to open up to you about letting her guard down, choose anything but “What about if we let our pants down?”
When you return to the other Killers and have dinner and they all look at you, tell them about your brush with death. You’ll later go to the campfire and be asked to tell a story. Do whatever you want here; the story will be bad. When done, ask The Huntress to tell another story.
Eventually, you will have a chance to choose to go on a mini-date with The Huntress, where she says she will make you something. She gives you a drink and asks what kind of mask you would like her to make you. Choose Angler Fish Mask. She then will test your resourcefulness by asking which of each mushroom is safe to eat. The order you should choose is left, left, right.
Before you go to bed, you will have a chance to eliminate one of the Killers from the dating competition. Obviously, don’t choose The Huntress here, but we are unsure if choosing any of the others affects your relationship with her. We selected The Trapper in our game. In the in-between interview, she should say she’s confident, and the next morning Claudette and Dwight should let you know things are going well with The Huntress.
After choosing to go on a date with her, you will go on The Trapper’s yacht, but nothing really happens there. She will take you back to her cabin. It doesn’t matter if you choose to tidy up or freak out. When she asks you to help her find trinkets that the other Killers stole from her, choose “HELL YES!” You then need to visit each Killer and perform a mini-game to find the trinket. The only thing you need to worry about is when you go to The Trapper’s cave, choose the underground tunnel. You will die if you go through the forest.
After you get each of the four trinkets, you will return to the cabin, and things begin to get steamy with The Huntress. Her dead mother will appear and interrupt you. When she says she hopes this is alright, choose “Of course.” When her mother asks about your intentions, say, “To start a family together.” This will impress her as she leaves and gives her blessing.
After talking with her mom, Claudette and Dwight arrive, and you have a choice to help The Huntress kill them. Choose “Absolutely,” and you will hack them to pieces, but don’t worry; they’ll be fine and come back. She will be so happy she will invite you back into the cabin to have sex.
Now that you are at the end of the final day, everyone will gather again where The Huntress will be asked if she will take you. She will confess her love. When it is your turn to respond, answer “I LOVE YOU TOO!” to return to the forest with her and get an image of her sitting in a forest in her bikini. If you laugh in her face, you will break her heart and summon The Entity and get an image of her crying at the ocean.