One of the best features of Android TV is that you have access to the Play Store which means you can run your favorite Android apps on the TV. However, there are several Android apps that are not available on the Play Store. While we can transfer the APK file to the TV, the installation for some apps remains unsuccessful due to various compatibility issues. So if you are looking for a way to run incompatible Android apps on Android TV then you have come to the right place. Here, we have mentioned a number of helpful steps to install and run Android apps on Android TV.

I would recommend you to go through the guide from the first step as some instructions are interlinked. From basic to advanced steps, we have covered everything in this article. On that note, let’s find out how to run incompatible Android apps on Android TV.

  1. Now, download the APK on your computer and move it to the ADB folder. In my case, I am installing Firefox on my Android TV. Make sure to rename the APK file to something shorter. Finally, run adb install firefox.apkon the terminal and within a few seconds, the app will be installed on your Android TV.

  2. In case, Activity Launcher is not working then you can force start the app through the ADB terminal on your computer. Just note down the activity name of the app and the package name from the Activity Launcher app. After that, run the command in this fashion: adb shell am start -n packagename/activityname.

Run All Sorts of Android Apps on Android TV

So that is how you can install and run incompatible Android apps that are not available on the Play Store. While some apps may have orientation issues, but you can definitely use the app without any issues. I have been using VPNs and some niche apps on Android TV which are otherwise not compatible with the Play Store requirement.