Keeping track of your save file in any video game is important to all gamers. You invest hours into these titles, so you don’t want to randomly lose your progress, forcing you to repeat actions you have already completed. If you are a little confused about how it works in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, here is how to save.

Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is a game that utilizes only autosave; there is no manual save option. This means you can not randomly stop in the middle of exploring the world and pick up exactly where you just were. That being said, if you understand what triggers the autosave, you can make it work for you.

You will know that the game is saving when a spinning lightsaber icon is portrayed in the corner of your screen. Progress in a quest until you hit a cutscene or certain checkpoint in the mission to make this happen. If you don’t mind losing progress in a mission, you can pause the game and quit the task to force a save, but you will have to start over the quest when you come back to it. Pausing and exiting to the main menu will also cause an autosave. Additionally, the game always saves when you obtain a collectible, so grab them when you see one.