JRPGs typically have plenty in common, but most players will typically think of Save Points as a uniquely JRPG mechanic. Locating a safe zone and activating a strange object that allows you to save your game, heal up your party, and change up your loadout before continuing your adventure are common in most JRPGs, and Stranger of Paradise is no different. If you’re confused about how to save, look no further: here’s how to save in Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin.

Whenever you approach the save points in Stranger of Paradise, your NPC team will shout out something to the effect of “I found cubes!” and “Should we take a break?” These “cubes” can be interacted with to do a variety of things, from assigning Job Points in your Job Tree, to editing your Party, to even abandoning the mission if you’re not having any luck with it. One of the options, near the bottom, is the option to “save”.

This option is kind of unnecessary, however, as the game automatically saves your progress whenever you activate a new Save Point. If you fall in battle, you will automatically appear at the more recently activated Save Point. Furthermore, whenever you head back to the World Map, the game will automatically save your progress as well.