Psychonauts 2 is a newly released sequel to Double Fine’s 2005 Psychonauts game. While excitedly playing through the newest successor to the series, many have been wondering how the save feature works and if it differs from the original game. After all, what’s worse than losing your progress because you forgot to save during an intense mission or battle? By the end of this guide, you will learn how to save your game in Psychonauts 2.

How to Save Your Game in Psychonauts 2

In Psychonauts 2, your game will be autosaved as you progress. When you reach checkpoints, unlock new skills, or enter new areas, your game will autosave. However, you cannot manually save your game. This means that while your game will automatically save after significant progression, you can still lose some progress if you quit before the next save. Despite this, the game saves regularly whenever you progress through the story. As long as you are actively reaching checkpoints or entering new areas, your game will save often. This also means that unless you are away from your PC or console for an extended time, you should not lose much progress if your game shuts down or crashes.

If you bring up the pause menu, you can see how long it has been since the game was last saved. A timer will appear showing how many seconds or minutes have passed. This pop-up will appear if you try to exit the game. That way, if it has not been long since the game last saved, you can feel rest assured knowing that you can quit the game without losing your progress. Similarly, if you were away from the game for a long time, you can keep track of when the next save is in case you need to leave again.

If you want to create a new, save file but do not want to lose your progress, choose from three save slots. That way, you can have multiple playthroughs going at the same time.

Psychonauts 2 is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S platforms.