This secret ending for God of War will blow you away.
Once the credits roll in the new God of War all is thought to have been settled. However, there’s a little bit more story to tell from Sony Santa Monica. For the sake of everyone playing the game, we’re not going to give away either the ending of the game or the secret ending for the game by spoiling any of the story elements, but there is more to see after the final story mission.
You’ll know when you’ve reached the end of God of War as there will be multiple climatic moments in the game and you’ll see the credits roll, indicating that the game is over. However, the nature of the game allows you to continue exploring the world. Whether you want to track down the many different treasures and side quests in the game before starting again, you’ll want to perform at least one final task before shutting it down.
If you head back to Kratos’ home in the Wildwoods you’ll get a second ending that simply must be seen by all who play the new God of War. If you want to see this ending make sure that after you’ve seen the credits you head back home to get some rest, once you do you’ll be treated to the secret ending for God of War.
There are many high points in the new God of War, but this secret ending gets you even more excited to see what’s next for Kratos and Atreus going forward.
- This article was updated on April 23rd, 2018
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