Last October, Telegram added a feature to let group admins anonymously send messages. The feature, which Telegram calls ‘batman mode’, doesn’t reveal anonymous admins in the group list, and messages sent by anonymized admins are signed with the group name as opposed to the user’s name. Here’s how you can use it in your Telegram group.

Before getting started with the steps involved, it is worth noting that only admins can send anonymous messages in Telegram groups. Moreover, admins can’t choose to toggle their anonymity in their group. If you no longer want to remain anonymous, you should ask the group owner to revoke the permission.

  1. If you’re a group owner, you should first allow permission for group admins to message anonymously. To do that, open group settings, long-press on one of the admin’s name, and choose ‘Edit admin rights.’ You can also promote a group member to admin from this page.

1. Can I switch between regular and anonymous messages on Telegram?

No, you can’t seamlessly switch between anonymous and regular messages. Group owner should manually revoke your ability to send anonymous messages.

No. Anonymous group admins feature, as the name suggests, is for group admins. You can hide your profile picture and phone number in privacy settings if you don’t want others to identify you.

3. What happens to messages sent with a custom admin title?

If you have a custom admin title in the group, Telegram will show it next to your message, even if it is sent in anonymous mode. You can ask the group owner to remove the custom admin title for your account to prevent that.