Apex Legends came out of the blue last week to dominate headlines, and show that it was a real contender in the Battle Royale market. For many PC players, this means figuring out exactly how well the game runs on your system and making tweaks to maximize performance. To do this, you need an FPS counter! It seems like a little bit of an oversight in the game that there is no FPS counter, but you can utilize Origin to get the information you need.

How To Show Your FPS Counter In Apex Legends On PC

To use Origin to activate an in-game FPS counter, follow these steps.

  • Run the Origin client.
  • In the top left of the window, click the “Origin” option.
  • Choose “Application Settings” from the drop-down menu.
  • In the new screen, go to “More” and click the “Origin In-Game” option.
  • Go to the “During Gameplay” section.
  • Click the “Display FPS Counter” option, and then choose where you want the FPS Counter to be.

You will now have an FPS counter in Apex Legends, or any game you run through Origin for that matter. While it is also possible to use third party programs such as Playclaw to display in-game FPS, the Origin option should quickly cover the needs of most people.

If you have been struggling to get a solid framerate in the game, be sure to check out our guide on how to maximize your FPS.