Pokémon Unite, the upcoming strategy game from TiMi Studios and The Pokémon Company, is finally getting a beta in March. The title will be available on different platforms when it launches, but the beta won’t initially support them. There are other criteria for you to meet to try Pokémon Unite, so read on for a full breakdown on the beta’s requirements.
To sign up for the Pokémon Unite regional beta, you will need to be based in Canada. This is the only nation that will support the upcoming test. As such, you will need to be a resident of Canada, who is at least 16 years of age, to participate.
Next, the regional beta will only be available to Android users. That means Nintendo Switch owners and iOS users can’t partake in the test, so ensure you have an Android device before you try to sign up. Finally, your device will need to have 3 GB of RAM or more, and have at least Android version 5.0 installed to run the game. Mobile devices that have compatible iOS versions installed may not run Pokémon Unite so, if you have such an Android device that also runs iOS, you might not be eligible.
If you meet those requirements, you can sign up. Head to the Pokémon Unite game page on the Google Play Store and click on the “register” button to participate. If you qualify, you should receive a notification when the beta goes live. You should be able to download Pokémon Unite’s beta version from the Play Store and help refine the gameplay experience before its full launch.
Pokémon Unite will be a free-to-start, crossplay title when it arrives on iOS, Android, and Nintendo Switch. The game will pit five-player teams against one another, focusing on cooperating to catch Pokemon, level up and evolve them, and defeat enemy teams’ Pokemon while earning more points than them in the allotted time.