Call of Duty: Warzone has simple, yet significant movement mechanic: the slide cancel. The engine and all other game mechanics are shared with Modern Warfare (2019). Here’s a detailed guide on how to slide cancel in Call of Duty: Warzone on a controller as well as a keyboard.

The most used and preferred technique for slide cancel in CoD Warzone is pressing Crouch>Crouch>Jump, in order while sprinting. The first two crouch inputs are to start and cancel the slide. This is followed by a jump in order to change your stance from crouched to standing.

Assuming that you are using the default input, the keybinds and controller input for slide cancel are as follows:

  • PC / Keyboard: C + C + Space BarPS4 / PS5 Controller: O + O + XXBox Controller: B + B + A

Slide canceling is undoubtedly the most basic and important movement tactic in Warzone. Before moving on to other complex movements such as bunny hopping and snaking, players must master the slide cancel trick. Moreover, the inputs shown above should be pressed in continuation, with the least delay possible.

You can change some movement settings in Warzone before trying to slide cancel. Change Slide Behavior to Tap and Automatic Sprint to Automatic Tactical Sprint for best results. Slide cancel is important in the ways shown below:

  • Provides you with infinite tactical sprint. If performed correctly and consistently, you will regain a short burst of tac sprint after every slide cancel.Makes you unpredictable and a hard target to hit. You are more likely to receive less damage while sliding rather than sprinting in a straight line. It also makes your hitbox smaller when compared to standing.

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