Between your cases in Sherlock Holmes Chapter One, you will find dozens of delightful side-cases to keep you sharp and help you earn a couple of bucks on the side, too. To obtain the Eel Hunting case, speak with Ms. Sertel at the front desk of the Cordona Chronicle after you’ve completed the case A Gilded Cage.

This case can be short, sweet, and solved quickly by taking an educated guess using the available information. When you begin the case, you will be given a file and the locations of three different warehouses in Silverton.

Using the Eel’s Lieutenant file, we know that the location is somewhere north of the Finch Cannery in Silverton, which lines up with the location of Warehouse No. 2. Without using a disguise or investigating any clues, you can head straight to this warehouse and enter.

Upon entering the warehouse, you will be thrust into a tricky battle with a few waves of enemies. It can be quite challenging if you’re trying to arrest everyone instead of killing, but your choice in this matter does not affect the outcome.

After you’ve dealt with the waves, stay frosty. The Boss of this warehouse will emerge silently from one of the doors in the room. He’s heavily armored, with five pieces of gear you must shoot off before arresting or killing him. Again, your moral choice here has no effect on the outcome.

After you’ve dealt with him, head back to the Cordona Chronicle and speak to Ms. Sertel to finish this case. If you entered Warehouse No. 2 before any others, you will gain the Catch of the Day achievement upon completion.

For more guides and secrets in Sherlock Holmes Chapter One, check out All Bandit Lair Locations in Sherlock Holmes Chapter One, and stay tuned to Pro Game Guides for continued coverage on all of your favorite games!