To get the correct outcome for this case:

  • Begin by investigating the table in front of you.Scan the clues on the table, the wine glass, the scotch glass, the ‘’ectoplasm", and the diamond holder.Move your vision to the right to find the Luka, the Medium’s, jacket where you’ll be able to examine a butterfly pin.

Now that you’ve gathered some information speak to Luka to get his testimony. He’ll reveal to you that he noticed the lady (Emma) scream and point across the room. 

After speaking to him, you’ll get some key evidence for your Mind Palace. Enter it to deduce that Emma saw a witness outside the room by placing Lady Craven faced the window, and The Lady pointed across the table together. 

Find the door next to the only window in the room and exit. Immediately turn to your left to find a spot to use Sherlock’s concentration mode to find the heel of a shoe.

Stay in concentration mode to reveal a trail of scratches leading away from the door. Follow the trail, and it will lead you to a discarded shoe. Examine it to reveal that it belongs to the Maids of the hotel. 

Go to the front desk of the hotel, where you’ll find a maid scrubbing the floor nearby. Speak to her to reveal that the witness is sweeping upstairs near the paintings.

Speak to the witness, who reveals some information on the location of Lady Emma in the room. From here, return to the Seance Room, where you’ll find a node floating in the air. Interact with it to piece together the crime scene. 

Using Jon, arrange the positions of the suspects as follows:

  • Emma in front of the wine glass. Lord Craven in front the scotch glass and cigar.Luka directly across from Lord Craven.

Correctly piecing together the scene will reveal that Emma seemingly distracted the two men and is likely the culprit for who grabbed the gem. Head up to Room 226 to confront her and find two maids gossiping at her door. Follow the prompt to eavesdrop on them.

For the eavesdropping puzzle, discard all chatter except for the options: cannot use a fish knife, was on the lookout, and made her husband drunk.

After this, the maids will depart, leaving you with all the confirmation you need that Emma was acting suspiciously before escaping to her room with the gem. Enter the room and… GASP—you find Emma strangled to death with Lord Craven standing over her body.

Lord Craven convinces you to find the murderer, insists it isn’t him, then gives the alibi that he was at the bar during the murder. After talking to him, you’ll find some of Emma’s belongings nearby—investigate them with your concentration mode to find a false bottom to the chest.

Inside, you’ll find a substantial amount of money along with two rings, an old ring with a Latin phrase written on it, and one with a familiar butterfly. 

Move to investigate Emma’s body to confirm that someone’s bare hands had strangled her. Examine the diamond, and you’ll receive another split deduction in your Mind Palace. Choose The murderer left the diamond for the correct outcome later. 

From here, you can head down to the bar and talk to the man standing there—he will confirm that Lord Craven was indeed at the bar for a short period of time.

Putting together the clues that Lord Craven was in the room with Emma and Lord Craven spent time at the bar in your Mind Palace will result in a split-deduction. For the correct outcome, choose a window of opportunity.

Now it’s time to talk to Luka. Head down to the front desk and talk with the concierge—he’ll give you the key to Luka’s room, located upstairs, Room 225.

Enter, and you’ll find a table to your right containing some items to investigate, most importantly, the vial of green “ectoplasm” on the table. Grab it, open your casebook, and highlight it for an option to give it a chemical examination. Continue with the following steps:

  • Drag the beakers with the Red and Green symbols up to the open area. Drag the Chemical Operation down from the top of the screen.Link the beakers to the operation. Link the operation to the final ? product.

This will reveal that Luka’s powers as a medium are nothing but tricks.

Talk to Luka, and you’ll have the chance to profile him. The most important details to note are the scratches on his wrists, the make-up on his neck, and his hands “skilled in sleight of hand.” Choose to profile him as a former thief who uses his talents to make money as a medium.

Speak to Luka. When allowed to present evidence to him, choose the fake ectoplasm to hear his trip up, then choose the butterfly pin to hear an interesting response.

Before you leave the room, investigate the locked door inside to open up options in your Mind Palace and link Luka and Lord Craven were neighbors with The lock can easily be picked. This will give you a split-deduction. Choose Luka could easily pick the lock for the best outcome.

Stay in your Mind Palace to place the clues The Moth Pin and The Moth Ring together to find the deduction that Luka and Emma could have met before.

Link Luka’s fresh scratches to the fact that Emma was strangled for a split-deduction—choose Emma scratched Luka for the best outcome.

In this case, for the correct outcome, it’s all about linking Emma and Luka’s pasts as thieves. Once you’ve found all the correct evidence, you should have a path that leads you to conclude that Luka Ghalichi is the murderer. 

Go back to Luka’s room and accuse him. Run through the dialogue options, and he will eventually confess. Whether you choose to condemn or absolve him is up to you. 

For more guides on Sherlock Holmes Chapter One, check out How to win Jon’s Bet in Sherlock Holmes Chapter One, or Is there DLC for Sherlock Holmes Chapter One?, and stay tuned to Pro Game Guides for more coverage on all of your favorite games!