Should you choose to work full-time for Rupert Zhou in Chinatown Detective Agency, you’ll eventually take on the case, “A Garden of Earthly Delights.” This case sees you searching for evidence to incriminate a wealthy art collector, and to do that, you’ll need to solve a puzzle involving three triptych paintings that must be placed in a certain order. This guide will show you how to correctly arrange the paintings while pursuing the “Search the Duplex” lead.

Once you arrive inside Quah’s duplex, move right, and you should see three paintings side by side.

Interact with a painting, and its sides will fold out, revealing it to be a triptych (three-part) painting. Each painting is a pixel recreation of a real-life triptych painting, and your objective is to both recreate the real-life works of art, and arrange them in a specific order. Below, we’ve listed which paintings you’ll have to recreate, and how you’ll have to order them.

  • Left side: The Haywain TriptychCenter: The Garden of Earthly DelightsRight side: Triptych of Temptation of St. Anthony

You can also see what these paintings look like when put together below:

Once you correctly arrange the paintings, hit the center console, and a secret room should open up. In there, you’ll find the information needed to incriminate Quah.