The Outbreak mode in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Zombies is something new for fans in the Zombies community and brings back some past elements of beloved maps. It is the most extensive playing area in a single Zombies map by far, and seeing these callbacks mixed in is nice to see for long-time players. This is true with the Dragon Relic, a callback to the Call of Duty: Black Ops III map Der Eisendrache. Here are some details on what you should do when you see one of these machines.

The Dragon Relic machine is a pretty big structure that probably wouldn’t look too out of place on the moon. When you see it, walk up to the console on the machine and interact with it to spend 500 essence points and begin feeding time.

When you turn it on, the dragon will pop out of the machine, and a purple flame will appear in front of it that is similar to the Ring of Fire field upgrade. The dragon will remain for the next 60 seconds.

Like on Der Eisendrache, you need to feed as many dead zombies to the dragon as possible. Zombies will begin spawning and running towards you in the ring. Kill them, and they will float up and be consumed by the dragon. Unlike Der Eisendrache, you do not need to wait for the dragon to finish the zombie it is eating before killing the next.

Be sure, though, to wait for the zombies to be inside the ring, or they will not be fed to the dragon. You can quickly tell if they count as they will be surrounded in the purple flame.

After 60 seconds, the dragon will retreat into the machine and fly into a portal in the sky. It will leave behind a loot box that you can now open.

As of this writing, we cannot for sure say if killing more zombies in the ring gives a better loot box or not. We will update this post with relevant information after we spend more time in Outbreak.