Do you want to know how to stop the fans in High on Life? High on Life is just released, and it has brought all the crazy situations and fun content it promised when we were first shown the trailer at the Xbox and Bethesda showcase.

As you play this intergalactic adventure as a high school graduate bounty hunter, you will notice spinning fans that block your progress. Don’t despair. There is a way around it, but a boss fight is involved. This guide will show you how to stop fans in High on Life.

High on Life: How to Stop the Fans

To stop the fans in High on Life, you will need to obtain the sentient semi-auto pistol named Sweezy. However, getting this Gatlian to your inventory of talking guns requires a boss fight.

You will need to head out to Port Terrene and take care of the mysterious boss named Douglas. He is a part of the bounty mission, so that you won’t miss him. For this fight, make sure you got the right weapons and a strategy prepared.

Once you defeat him, Sweezy will be in your hands. Sweezy has a unique ability calleuniqueBubbles that slows down time. Now, she will tell you that you can stop the fans in your vicinity by shooting Time Bubbles. The tutorial continues as you leave Douglas’ boss room since stopping fans is the only way out.

As you continue your escape, a few more fans will stand in your way. Luckily, you now have Sweezy, and you can easily stop the fans.

Where to Find Dr. Giblets in High on Life

These pesky fans mainly stop you from getting your hands on various collectibles in the game and chest full of pesos. Nevertheless, stopping the fans in High on Life is not a tough task once you know what you need to do. Simply follow our guides, and you will be able to continue your intergalactic journey quickly.

High on Life is available on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam and Epic Games Store.