Google Stadia, the company’s cloud game streaming service, made its official debut in November last year. It enabled users to play popular PC and console games from their browser, Pixel phones, and Chromecast Ultra TV dongles. Google teased a number of amazing features for Stadia at launch and one of its premier features is now rolling out. Previously, if you wanted to stream Stadia games to Twitch or YouTube, you had to rely on third-party software. But, just in time for the Cyberpunk 2077 launch, Google has added an option to stream Stadia games directly to YouTube. And here is how you can do it.
For the streaming to work, you will have to link your YouTube account to your Google Stadia account. We have explained all the steps below. So just follow them, and you will be up and running in no time.
- Head over to Google Stadia (website link) and click on your profile picture at the top right corner.
Moreover, if you haven’t created a YouTube channel yet, you will see a ‘Create a channel’ button under Settings -> YouTube. Click it and you will be guided through a couple of steps to set up your channel. Refresh the Stadia settings page once your channel is live to see it appear along with the ‘Link with Stadia’ button. Then, follow the aforementioned steps to get ready to start streaming games.
Now that you have linked your YouTube channel to Stadia, here’s how you can stream the game you are playing directly to YouTube:
- Hit the ‘Start live stream’ button. You will first see the ‘Preparing live stream’ text and then a notification telling you that you are live on YouTube will appear. Yeah, it is that simple.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Google Stadia available in India right now?
No, Google Stadia is not available in India. Here’s a list of supported countries – US, UK, Canada, France, Italy, Germany, Austria, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Belgium, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, and Hungary.
How can I watch Stadia on YouTube?
Once your stream is live, you can copy the link from the Stadia menu and share it with your friends or followers to they can watch your gameplay on YouTube.
If you try to play or stream games using Stadia from an unsupported country (say India or Australia), you will need a VPN. But, this is where I would caution you as Stadia will ask, or rather force, you to exit the game (which will end the live stream automatically) due to an unstable connection.
Yes, you can stream your Google Stadia gameplay to Twitch. You will need a third-party encoder software such as Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) to live stream Stadia games to Twitch. You can read the steps to set up OBS right here.