To survive the helicopter event in Project Zomboid, you will need to hide and wait it out. During the event, the helicopter will draw in a ton of zombies, thousands if you are unlucky. So, your best hope of surviving the helicopter event is to hide and wait it out or stay on the run. 

Hiding in your base or running into the forest can good options for avoiding the helicopter. But be careful, as zombies are going to migrate, and they may pass through the forest you are hiding in or head towards your base. 

Because of this, it’s better to grab a vehicle and go far away from your base to avoid having it get overrun. That said, if you remain unseen for at least one hour, the helicopter will leave, but it will come back in an hour. If you survive the entire day, the helicopter will leave at the end of the day.

What if the helicopter finds me in Project Zomboid?

When the helicopter finds you, it will hover and follow you around and cause zombies to head towards your position. We recommend losing the helicopter in a forest and keeping moving in this situation. 

Don’t stop and hide in a forest and the same goes for your base. The helicopter will just hover over both and lead zombies to you anyway.

Because of this, it’s best to keep moving and avoid the approaching hordes. If you run into hordes, lose them in buildings and forests to break and slow the horde down. In the best scenario, it would be better to have a car, as you can just stay moving, avoiding hordes altogether.

When does the helicopter event start in Project Zomboid? 

The helicopter event can start from day 6 to 9 from 9 am to 7 pm on default settings. You can also tune into the automated emergency broadcast using radios to know when the helicopter event. The radio will display text that says air activity detected when a helicopter event is pending. 

For more on Project Zomboid, we at PGG have you covered.