While uncovering the mystery of the local town in The Good Life, you’ll be spending a decent chunk of your time taking pictures of the surrounding area. Your photos earn you money, but you can make more money by taking photos of the daily tags. One of those tags is #popularcountryinns, but it’s unclear what buildings will fit within this tag at the start. In this guide, we cover where you need to go to get a picture for this tag so you can start earning some serious pennies.

The Downer Hotel B&B

One very easy building will fit within this tag, and it’s close to your house. Run into the village down the main road and take the road to the right. On your left, you’ll see The Downer Hotel B&B. This is a popular country inn that will fit the bill for the tag and get more likes while the tag is active.

When you upload the image, you could earn 1000 likes on it while the tag is active. You’ll see likes trickle in even after the tag is removed, but the important thing is to maximize your income on the day. If you know this tag is active, run into town, snag a picture, and upload it as quickly as possible.