In Minecraft, the player can use a number of commands, one of these is the teleport, and in this guide, we will go over how to use it in the game. 

How to use teleport in Minecraft

To teleport in Minecraft, you will need to have commands enabled either by being a server administrator or having cheats enabled in-game. After that, to teleport, all you need to do is type the following commands into the chatbox - this method is for the java version of Minecraft, except for the first two commands.

  • /tp (destination) - This will teleport you to another player if you type their username after the teleport command. (this command will work on all platforms) /tp (targets) (destination) - This command will teleport another player to a location of a different player. (this command will work on all platforms) /tp (location) - This will teleport you to a set of coordinates. /tp (targets) (location) (rotation) - This command will teleport a player to a set of coordinates and will rotate where they will be facing. /tp (targets) (location) facing (facinglocation) - This tp command will teleport a player to a set of coordinates and will face them in the direction of another set of coordinates.

If you want to use any of the commands listed above, all you need to do is type /tp and then whatever the command is you wish to use after it in the chatbox. However, keep in mind you will need to enable cheats or be a server admin before you can use these commands. If you want to enable cheats, you can do so via an option in the game’s options menu or by opening the game to lan.

For more on Minecraft, we at PGG have you covered a massive roster of guides such as How to Get a Cape in Minecraft and What Does the Hero of the Village Effect Do in Minecraft.