When playing as a Crewmate in Among Us, your first goal is to survive while taking care of your tasks around the map. To do that, you should be wary of others since anyone can be the Impostor and quickly kill you and turn you into a ghost. Here are some tips to help you point out who the Impostor in your game of Among Us or Among Us VR is, so you can call a meeting and get them voted out.

How to find out who the Impostor is in Among Us and Among Us VR

To figure out who the Impostor is in your game of Among Us or Among Us VR, you should be paying close attention to the actions of others. Watch their movements. If they seem to be going to task locations and not actually completing the task, that is a good indication of them being an Impostor. If they are moving away from the task too soon, that is a dead giveaway.

If you are playing in a game that allows Visual Tasks, there is another way to use tasks to your advantage to not necessarily find the Impostor, but at least clear other Crewmates from suspicion. If you have a task like Medbay Scan or Shoot Meteors, you can watch someone do the task and if the scan is active or the guns are firing on your screen, they are a confirmed Crewmate. Keep in mind that not everyone in the game will get this, and they could do it before you get a chance to watch them.

Outside of tasks, the best ways to find the Impostor is to catch them slipping up while trying to be sneaky. If you are playing a game without the Mechanic role, only Impostors can go through vents, so if you see someone jump in or out, that is a confirmed Impostor. Additionally, anyone running away from a corpse who did not report it could easily be considered an Impostor. Of course, there are situations where a Crewmate could have easily missed the corpse or the Impostor snuck behind them and killed a teammate. Regardless, it is definitely suspicious when it happens.

Other tips we recommend keeping in mind is paying attention to other players’ attitude and mannerisms in meetings. If someone seems very intent on voting out a particular candidate, they could be worried about someone finding them out. Listen to their argument and deduce whether you can trust them or not.

One thing we definitely do not recommend doing is partnering with another player. For starters, it kind of ruins the spirit of the game, but also if you get too intent on your buddy not being an Impostor, it will only sting that much more when they turn on you.