Previously, many Lego games did not have voice acting as they do in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. None of the game’s characters only had a mumble voice, not using or creating any words whatsoever. That’s considerably changed, and now the games are fully voiced. However, you can return to this with the mumble mode. Here’s how to turn on mumble mode in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.
The only way to unlock mumble mode is through the Extras menu. You can find it by activating your holoprojector and going to the Datacards tab right at the top. There, you’ll find multiple modes available that you can purchase. While under the Datacard tab, you do not need a Datacard.
After you click on and accept the mumble mode, all voice acting in The Skywalker Saga will be replaced by the classic mumbling you likely heard if you’ve played many of TT Games’ first Lego games. As you explore the galaxy in the Free Play mode, in Galaxy Free Play, or the cinematics. All of the voice acting changes. However, you’ll still have the subtitles on the bottom if those are turned on. For those who want the classic Lego Star Wars experience, you can still have it, alongside the updated graphics and gameplay.