A popular way to fight in previous Dark Souls games was to two-hand a primary weapon. Multiple players would do it to deal more damage, and many are curious if the same mechanics have carried over into Elden Ring due to it being created by the Dark Souls development team. In this guide, we detail how you can two-hand weapons in Elden Ring and the benefits of it.

To two-hand your weapon, you’ll need to click on the Y button on your Xbox controller or the triangle button on your PlayStation one. From there, you now need to click the right or left bumper based on what weapon you want to two-hand with your character.

Your character will now hold their weapon with both hands upon doing this. While doing this, the requirements for the weapon will decrease, allowing you to use weapons that your character normally could not wield well and increase their overall damage with that weapon.

If you’re planning to focus on attacking against an enemy or want to do a little more damage, this is an excellent route to go with while playing Elden Ring. Although the button layout is slightly more complicated, the mechanics carry over from Dark Souls to Elden Ring.