Xenoblade Chronicles 2 introduces the concept of Blades, fighters who will assist you by giving you access to elements and techniques when fighting enemies. Rare Blades are unique and have more abilities than generic Blades but are harder to find. They either require luck when using Core Crystals or are obtained in other circumstances.

Finding them all is no small task, but it will be worth the effort. If you aren’t sure how to obtain any of the Rare Blades, this list will cover their locations and how to unlock them.

All Rare Blades Obtained In The Story

NOTE: This list will have spoilers; proceed ahead at your own discretion.

1. Pyra

Pyra will be the first Rare Blade that you obtain, and she will naturally enter your party in Chapter 1. Unlocking her will be your first introduction to using Blades in combat and understanding how to make your Blades more powerful.

2. Dromarch

Dromarch will join your party along with Nia as his Driver during the events of Chapter 2. While he will disappear for a while, he will eventually join your party as one of the main characters.

3. Poppi

Poppi is an artificial Blade obtained in Chapter 2 when Tora wants to help you with your mission. After helping Tora build Poppi, she will join your team as its second Blade until rescuing Nia and Dromarch.

4. Mythra

Mythra will be obtained during the events of Chapter 3. Unlike other Blades, she doesn’t enter your party per se but will be able to switch places with Pyra in combat, giving Rex access to two Blades in one slot.

5. Roc

After the events of Chapter 3, you will obtain Roc’s Core Crystal. It isn’t until Chapter 4 that you will be able to use it, as you will need Roc’s help to overcome an obstacle.

6. Poppi QT

Poppi QT will be introduced during the latter half of Chapter 4, after investigating the outbreak of artificial Blades that are coming out of Mor Ardain. It is a new form of Poppi and will be added to Tora’s Blade line-up after you learn how to use it.

7. Brighid

While you meet Brighid in Chapter 2, she will not formally join your party until Chapter 5. Her Driver Mòrag will join your party, and Brighid will also come along.

8. Pandoria

Just like Brighid, you will meet Pandoria as early as Chapter 3. You won’t learn much about her until Chapter 5, where she will formally join your party along with her Driver Zeke.

9. Aegaeon

Aegaeon will be obtained during the events of Chapter 6, though unlike other Rare Blades obtained in the story, he will come in his Core Crystal and must be activated in order to join your party.

10. Nia

Nia will be obtained during the events of Chapter 7, where she will reveal herself to be a Blade. While Nia will remain a Blade, she can switch between being a Blade and a Driver, but not during combat.

11. Pneuma

Pneuma will also be introduced in Chapter 7. Her overwhelming power will be on display in Chapter 7, but after that, she will only be accessible once per battle for a short time.

All Optional Rare Blades Obtained From Core Crystals

For the Blades obtained through Core Crystals, any Core Crystal will do — Common, Rare, or Legendary. However, Legendary Core Crystals have the best chance of producing Rare Blades, while Common Core Crystals have the worst (Rare Core Crystals are in the middle).

Some Blades are placed into groups based on your save file (a value invisible to you) that makes their appearance more likely/less likely, with five groups in total. Some Blades will be classified as “pity” Rare Blades. If you continually fail to get Rare Blades from your Core Crystals, the chance of a “pity” Blade showing up increases until it is essentially guaranteed.

12. Godfrey

Godfrey is a Rare Blade that you can obtain by using Core Crystals. His appearance rates are decent, and he is likely to appear after using enough Core Crystals. If your save file happens to be in Group 1 or 2, he is one of the “pity” Blades who becomes more likely to appear after summoning a regular Blade.

13. Agate

Agate is a Rare Blade that you can obtain by using Core Crystals. Her appearance rates aren’t as high as Godfrey’s, but she belongs to the same save file group (Group 1 or 2). She is one of the “pity” Blades who becomes more likely to appear after summoning a regular Blade.

14. Boreas

Boreas is a Rare Blade that you can obtain by using Core Crystals. Despite being a “pity” Blade for Groups 1 and 2, his appearance rates are better for Group 2 and 3.

15. Perceval

Perceval is a Rare Blade that you can obtain by using Core Crystals. He is a “pity” Blade for Group 3, with solid appearance rates across all groups.

16. Azami

Azami is a Rare Blade that you can obtain from using Core Crystals. She is a “pity” Blade for Group 3, but has good appearance rates except for Groups 1 and 5.

17. Adenine

Adenine is a Rare Blade that you can obtain by using Core Crystals. She is a “pity” Blade for Group 3, but she has decent appearance rates in every group except Group 2.

18. Gorg

Gorg is a Rare Blade that you can obtain from using Core Crystals. He is a “pity” Blade for Group 4, but has good appearance rates across all groups.

19. Perun

Perun is a Rare Blade that you can obtain by using Core Crystals. She is a “pity” Blade for Group 4, but she has decent appearance rates for every group except Group 2.

20. Electra

Electra is a Rare Blade that you can obtain by using Core Crystals. She is a “pity” Blade for Group 4, but she has decent appearance rates for every group except Group 5.

21. Kora

Kora is a Rare Blade that you can obtain by using Core Crystals. She is a “pity” Blade for Group 5, but she has decent appearance rates for every group except Group 4.

22. Nim

Nim is a Rare Blade that you can obtain by using Core Crystals. She is a “pity” Blade for Group 5, but she has decent appearance rates for every group except Group 4.

23. Finch

24. Vale

Vale is a Rare Blade that you can obtain by using Core Crystals. Her appearance rates are low for every group, though you have slightly better odds if your save file is in Group 1.

25. Dagas

Dagas is a Rare Blade that you can obtain by using Core Crystals. His appearance rates are decent regardless of the group your save file is in, and you should have little problem running into him at some point.

26. Ursula

Ursula is a Rare Blade that you can obtain by using Core Crystals. Her appearance rates are fantastic for every group except Group 5, which is very low compared to the others.

27. Newt

Newt is a Rare Blade that you can obtain by using Core Crystals. Her appearance rates are low for every group, though you have slightly better odds if your save file is in Group 5.

28. Zenobia

Zenobia is a Rare Blade that you can obtain by using Core Crystals. Her appearance rates are low for every group, though you have slightly better odds if your save file is in Group 2.

29. Floren

Floren is a Rare Blade that you can obtain by using Core Crystals. His appearance rates are solid, but Group 5 has the lowest appearance rate, comparable with Ursula’s.

30. Dahlia

Dahlia is a Rare Blade that you can obtain by using Core Crystals. Her appearance rates are not very high, especially in Group 1. She might be one of the last Blades you obtain.


KOS-MOS is a Rare Blade that you can obtain by using Core Crystals and was previously seen in the Xenosaga series. Her appearance rates are the lowest of any Rare Blade and are equally low across all groups. Unless you are very lucky, she will be one of, if not the last Blades you will find from Core Crystals.

32. T-elos

T-elos is a Rare Blade that you can obtain by using Core Crystals after the Version 1.4.0 update. T-elos is unique among the Core Crystal Blades in that she can only be obtained during the Postgame, meaning she will only appear after beating the game once. After beating the game, she will be available as a potential Blade when using Core Crystals and has excellent appearance rates across all groups.

All Rare Blades Obtained Through Quests/Events

Some Rare Blades are not present in the Core Crystal draws and can only be obtained through side quests. Some are also available under other circumstances that are not necessarily quests but still require certain circumstances to be fulfilled before you can get them.

33. Wulfric

Wulfric is met in Chapter 3 as part of the Elder Arachno boss fight when working with Vandham. Upon winning, you will receive the Beastly Core Crystal, allowing you to use Wulfric in your own team.

34. Kasandra

Kasandra is a Rare Blade whose existence can easily be missed if you aren’t paying attention. First, you must get the Greedy Monster information by speaking to Razzlydazzly at Argentum or purchasing the information from any Informant. This will trigger the appearance of the Gluttonous Marrin, who will now randomly appear whenever Rex uses the Salvage Point at Chansagh Wastes in Mor Ardain.

This may take a few tries, but you will battle the Gluttonous Marrin after one salvage trip. Upon its defeat, it will drop the Lucky Core Crystal, giving you Kasandra upon activation.

35. Praxis

Praxis is a Rare Blade that is obtained after completing the “Crystal Clear” side quest. It can be started in Chapter 5 and going to Torigoth. You must have ten Core Crystals (of any rarity) in your inventory, and you must buy the Core Crystal Hunters rumor from an informant in Mor Ardain.

The side quest will trigger after walking through Torigoth’s Obra Street. Complete the side quest, and you will obtain Praxis’ Core Crystal, allowing you to add her to your team.

36. Theory

Theory is a Rare Blade obtained after completing the “Blade-Sharp Memory” side quest. You must have first obtained Praxis in “Crystal Clear,” then progressed to Chapter 7 with Praxis’ Affinity Chart at Level 4. Visit the Royal Guard Barracks in Fonsa Myma at Uraya to begin. Upon completing the side quest, you will obtain Theory’s Core Crystal, allowing you to add her to the party.

37. Sheba

Sheba can actually be obtained as early as Chapter 2, though it will be a lot of work. You must visit the Margia’s Odds and Ends store, run by Kassa in Gormott. The store will sell the Inherited Core Crystal at a whopping 500,000 G. Once you buy it, you can use it to add Sheba to your party.

38. Vess

Vess can be obtained by starting the “Tranquility” side quest in Chapter 4, after speaking with Vess at Gormott. After completing the side quest, you will get Vess’ Core Crystal, allowing you to add her to your party.

39. Herald

Herald can be obtained after reaching Tantal and finding a cracked wall in the Theospiti Temple Ruins at Theosoir. You will need to provide 100 offerings to obtain the Core Crystal, which can consist of any amount of the following:

  • Poison FlashBlack PomegranateAcid TomatoLazy CrayfishBeelze MosquitoBlood WalnutSore WormPound ViperDark Sprout

Once you have provided 100 offerings, you can grab the Sealed Core Crystal, which allows you to add Herald to your party.

40. Poppi QTπ

Poppi QTπ is the final evolution of Poppi, but unlike Poppi QT, you will have to unlock a side quest in order to obtain her. You must first view the Heart-to-Heart “Growing Up” in the Leftherian Archipelago, which will unlock the side quest in the future. When Chapter 8 starts, visit Tora’s Home in Gormott to start the “Powered-Up Poppi” side quest. Upon finishing the side quest, Poppi QTπ will fill out the last of Tora’s Blade slots.

All Rare Blades Obtained in New Game Plus

With the introduction of New Game Plus in Version 1.3.0 came the release of other new Blades in the story. These Blades will become available once you are able to use Core Crystals. With one exception, they can only be obtained using Core Crystals, and they have the same appearance rate regardless of group. They are also rare; not as rare as KOS-MOS, but the appearance rates are still low.

These Blades can be obtained at any point in the story, and it does not need to be consistent with the chapter you are currently on.

41. Akhos

Akhos is one of the Torna Blades that can be obtained from Core Crystals in a New Game Plus, with low appearance rates compared to the other Blades.

42. Patroka

Patroka is another Torna Blade obtained in New Game Plus, with similar appearance rates with Akhos (very low).

43. Obrona

Obrona was one of the Torna Blades that was used by Akhos. She has better appearance rates than Akhos and Patroka, but not by much.

44. Sever

Sever was Malos’ Blade when he was fighting for Torna. His appearance rates are similar to Obrona.

45. Perdido

Perdido was Patroka’s Blade when she was working with Torna. His appearance rates are similar to Obrona’s and Sever’s.

46. Cressidus

Cressidus was Mikhail’s Blade when he was working for Torna. Cressidus shares the same appearance rate as all the other Torna Blades except for Akhos/Patroka.

47. Mikhail

Mikhail was one of Torna’s members, and is the only exception among the New Game Plus Blades. Unlike the others, he cannot be obtained from Core Crystals. Instead, you must wait until his final scene in the story has played. You can then find him at the base of the World Tree (Megaflote Base in the Land of Morytha), where speaking to him will have him join your party.

All DLC Rare Blades

This list of Rare Blades can only be obtained as DLC, purchased through the Expansion Pass, or bought separately. They will not appear in the game in any form until they have been purchased.

48. Poppibuster

Poppibuster will be available after completing the DLC quest “Shiny New Power,” received from Tatazo at Tora’s Home in Gormott. After completing the side quest, Poppibuster can be used between Rex, Nia, Mòrag, and Zeke (Tora himself won’t be able to use it).

49-50. Shulk & Fiora

Shulk and Fiora will be technically obtained upon unlocking the Challenge Battle mode as paid DLC. They can appear as early as the first playthrough but can only be used within the Land of Challenge. To bring them into the world of Alrest, you must play on a New Game Plus, then complete the “Dino Drama” challenge to bring them into your party. Despite being encountered together, they act as separate Blades.

51. Crossette

Crossette will be obtained from the DLC but will come in a Core Crystal. You can obtain the Ebullient Core Crystal from Hurryscurry in Argentum.

52. Corvin

Corvin will be obtained from the DLC in his Core Crystal. You can obtain the Divine Core Crystal from Sorinosori in Argentum.

53. Elma

Elma is the final Blade that you can obtain as paid DLC. She must first be fought in the Land of Challenge in the “Otherworldly Fighter” battle, where you will unlock her for use in Challenge Battles. To fully bring her into your party, you must complete the “Elma: Redux” Challenge Battle, and she will join your party.

Now that you know how to obtain all the Rare Blades, you can use this list to track who you have obtained and progress towards those you have yet to find.