These characters will help you in trying to beat Far Cry 5
Throughout the course of Far Cry 5 you’ll encounter numerous missions that allow you to add Specialists that you can call on to help you defeat the Cult. These characters can only be unlocked by completing certain missions, but the reward for doing so is being able to call them in to help you whenever you need it. These specialists don’t need to be unlocked in any order. The game starts you out with only one slot available for teammates, but acquiring a perk will allow you to add up to two specialists characters to your squad at any time.
If one of these Specialist characters fall while in battle you can revive them. If you fail to do so, you won’t be able to call them back in for a set period of time. You can check the Roster Tab in the game’s menu to see how long each character has before you can call them back in.
Jess Black
Complete “A Dish Served Cold” Story Mission This mission has you tracking down one of the cultists known as the “Cook.” Stays concealed from enemies. Friendly with wild animals.
Cheeseburger The Bear
Complete “A Right to Bear Arms” Story Mission You’ll need to catch a fish and then bring it to Cheesburger. After he’s up and moving again you’ll need to defend him from the cult. Strong melee attack Can draw focus away from you when in battle
Grace Armstrong
Complete “Grace Under Fire” Story Mission She is a sniper who you meet that asks you to protect the graves of fallen soldiers as the cult tries to deface them. Sniper Support Has a laser sight on her weapon that helps point out enemies.
Nick Rye
Complete “Wingman” Story Mission A pilot whose plane has been taken by the Cult. You must simply find the plane and then bring it back to Nick. To add him to your roster. Can drop bomb’s on enemies from planes Can perform strafing runs against enemies with plane
Boomer The Dog
Complete “Man’s Best Friend” Story Mission Boomer is dog available as a companion that must be liberated in the mission to unlock him. Will automatically tag nearby enemies Can sometimes fetch a weapon after attacking
Sharky Boshaw
Complete “Burn Baby Burn” Story Mission. In it Sharky seemingly wants to have some fun by listening to music and killing cultists. Complete the mission to add him to the roster. Attacks have spark effect Resistant to most explosions and impacts
Hurk Drubmann Jr
Complete “The Prodigal Son” Story Mission Get Hurk’s father’s truck back from the cultists. Has RPG that can track air and land vehicles More destructive RPG attacks on vehicles
Peaches The Cougar
Complete “Here Kitty, Kitty” Story Mission You’ll need to go to a nearby campsite and lure Peaches back to her owner. Stealth pounce attack Stays hidden in tall grass
Adelaide Drubman
Complete the Mission “Friendly Skies.” Get Adelaide’s chopper back from the cultists. Can deliver you an attack helicopter Needs to reload less often
There are also other characters that you can call on in battle that have different specialites that you’ll encounter when saving different NPCs in the game. They have different buffs depending on the character. These range from being untrackable, to reparing vehicles, and many more. Abilities of these soldiers can be unlocked by getting kills while teamed up with this unit.
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Attack of the Fanboy / Games / How to Unlock All Specialist Companions in Far Cry 5