It’s no secret that one of the most important parts of Vampire Survivors is the time spent collecting gold, which is exactly why unlocking Big Trouser is important! Most of the time, your gold is valuable for a couple of main reasons, the first being unlocking new characters and upgrades. However, there is a new reason that makes having gold so important in Vampire Survivors. Golden Eggs have recently been introduced and can actually increase your character’s attributes, but they’re a bit pricey. This is where Big Trouser comes into play. This character will actually help you increase your gold reserves. Keep reading to learn how to unlock Big Trouser in Vampire Survivors.
Vampire Survivors: How to Unlock Big Trouser
In order to unlock Big Trouser, you’ll actually have to collect every stage item in the Moonglow stage. Being that there are 16 of them, this may take a while. Each of these items are accessories, acting as the base passive items in the game. Though, you don’t have to just get them all, you have to level them all up to Level 5 as well, which can take a while. The best way to do this is to choose a character to play as that has an experience bonus so that it will dwindle down the time needed to complete the process. The two best characters for this are Imelda Belpaese and Gains Boros. Though, Gains Boros is the better choice.
Once you’ve gotten each of the stage batteries to Level 5, you’ll need to leave the stage and end the run. If you don’t, and you wait until the end of the run, Death will appear at the 15-minute mark. If you fail to defeat Death and he kills you, he will remove one level from the Tiragisu stage item and you won’t meet the requirements to unlock Big Trouser.
Once you exit the stage, return to the character selection page. Here, you can purchase Big Trouser for 5,000 gold, making him available for use in the following runs. Though, the price may be a bit higher as it increases with each character that you’ve previously unlocked.
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This is everything you need to know about how to unlock Big Trouser in Vampire Survivors. Be sure to check back for more useful guides and as always, be safe and have fun!