In order to unlock Buffoon, a secret Roblox Hours Host that mimics the powers of the enemy Astral Hermit, you must trigger and defeat the secret meta-game. Upgrading with Cold Treasure makes unlocking the Buffoon Host a snap.
How to get Buffoon in Roblox Hours
We’ve found that the easiest way to get Buffoon is by first unlocking the Host Artisan and the Tempo Zero. Play through the battle rounds as first the Invader and then as the Prophet. Once you’ve completed the game with those two hosts, you should have both Artisan and Zero.
Getting to the mini-puzzle
Once you have both Artisan and Zero, play until your upgrade points are maxed out. If you have the Hands of Time gamepass you can equip the Turbocharge modifier to speed this part along. When you have maxed out your upgrade points, the only available upgrade will be for something called Cold Treasure. It will be the only upgrade available in all three slots.
Select the Cold Treasure upgrade and then open up your menu. Set your screenshake to 1000%, return to the playing screen for a second, and then exit to the main menu.
Once on the main menu, wait there for five to 10 seconds before leaving and rejoining the entire server.
When you rejoin the server, go to the piano but do not press play. Hang out by the piano for about 15 seconds. This will trigger a fog to roll onto the screen. Once the fog rolls in, it’s time to play the mini-puzzle.
The mini-puzzle
Do not press play. Instead, navigate away from the piano and exit the room. You’ll encounter a blue path that lights up as you walk which will lead you to a pink block. Step on the pink block, then turn around and navigate through the fog to the building’s left side.
On the building there will be a column that lights up pink once you touch it. This column operates as a tress, so use it to climb up the building to the roof. Hug the walls as much as possible so that you don’t fall off, and follow the path.
Follow the pink path back up onto the roof. It will eventually lead you to a duck which quacks when you step on it and gives you the achievement The Fool is You.
You have now unlocked Buffoon. Return to the main menu and enjoy playing through Hours as your newly unlocked Host.
For more Roblox content, check out all of the Roblox Custom Minigames Codes (June 2022).