Class mods are an essential part of a character’s loadout in Borderlands 3. But how do you unlock and get them in the game? 

How to get Class Mods in Borderlands 3

To get class mods in Borderlands 3, you must first progress the main story quest to the point where you arrive on Pandora, and you will also need to complete the Hostile take over questline and reach Promethea. 

Upon completing the quest, you will get your very first class mod, and class mods will start to drop as loot from various sources in the game.

The first of which is mainly as loot drops from enemies in the game, from chests, and lastly as loot drops from the various bosses you will encounter.

You can also start to purchase them more frequently from merchants as well, and they will also show up in-store inventories more often. 

But before going class mod hunting, you should note that some class mods are character restricted, so if you encounter one that is not for your class, you can not use it. It might be worth either saving it for a different character or simply selling it outright in the event of this. 

Players can also use class mods to customize their characters, as each one will have specific buffs and skills that add to your character. That said, you should probably keep an eye on every class mod you find as they will aid you in your journey in the long run, and help you create a ton of interesting character builds.

For more on Borderlands 3, we recommend checking out both Borderlands 3 Shift Codes List (May 2021) – Golden Keys & Rewards and How to Get a Golden Key in Borderlands 3