Darth Maul is an iconic character in the Star Wars series, and you can play as this character in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. If you want to complete the entire set for this character, you’ll need to unlock his ship, Darth’s Maul Scimitar. You won’t be able to do this by playing the standard story missions. This guide will cover how to unlock Darth Maul’s Scimitar in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.

You’ll need to look for a specific mission to complete in Theed, namely the Hangar Bout Shooting Gallery challenge. You can start this challenge by speaking to the Royal Theed Guard office in the Theed Hangar. Unfortunately, he’ll only talk with you if you wear a Royal Guard uniform.

You can acquire this uniform by returning to the hangar entrance as a Hero character and grabbing the necessary items at the entrance. However, you can also choose to play as Captain Typho, who already has the uniform, which will be acceptable. Once you speak with the Royal Guard, a bullseye will appear, and you can start the challenge.

You’ll need to score 2,500 points to earn a gold medal for the challenge, netting your Darth Maul’s Scimitar. The final thing you need to do is go to the ship menu on your Holoprojector and purchase the ship for 100,000 studs.