Shadow Warrior 3’s addition of Gore Weapons and Tools is an exciting way of dealing with enemies. Flying Wild Hog’s fluid and fast-paced combat in the latest Shadow Warrior game means that you need plenty of guns and weapons to keep up with the demons. Luckily, Lo Wang has plenty at his disposal.

With Gore Weapons, you can change the tide of any battle, turning from simple food for the demons to bringing their destruction. However, you may wonder how to get certain Gore Weapons and Tools and where to get them!

Where can I get Gore Tools in Shadow Warrior 3

Gore Weapons and Tools are found by killing any enemy with a finisher move. Unlocked early in the game, finishers instantly kill any enemy while offering high-powered loot in return.

Finishers are charged by picking up these handy little yellow orbs. When enemies drop them, they give a small portion towards your finisher charge. If you find them between combat arenas, each orb will charge up one finisher bar, for a maximum of three in total.

Some enemies cost one finisher bar to execute, most cost two finisher bars at least, and one enemy requires the full three finishers to kill them. All enemies killed using a finisher will provide full health to you, so use it wisely.

What Gore Tools are there in Shadow Warrior 3

There are 10 Gore Tools and Weapons in Shadow Warrior 3, each with their own way of unlocking them. Gore Tools are limited in use or time, so using them quickly is essential.

Different Gore Tools are found with different demons, and each weapon is guaranteed to be found on a corresponding demon. So, you’ll never get one Gore Tool with two demons.

Brain Tonic – 1 Finisher Bar

Brain Tonic is found on the standard grunt enemies of the game, the Shogai.

While the Brain Tonic tool doesn’t cause any destruction, it gives you +100 health on top of your existing health bar, meaning you’ll have double your standard health. This is great for tough spots, and in cases where the enemies are becoming overwhelming and you need a quick defense.

Brain Freeze – 1 Finisher Bar

Brain Freeze is found on the second most common enemy, the Kugutsu. Recognizable by their blue skin and the fact they usually ride in on balloons, they cost one finisher charge to execute.

The Brain Freeze tool is a great one for dealing with hordes. It’s a throwable, and upon landing, it freezes any enemies in an area (even the toughest ones). Frozen enemies take more damage, so using Brain Freeze could really help take down some of the more tedious enemies.

Equalizer – 2 Finisher Bars

Found on the Oni Hanma, a gorilla-like demon with hard hits, the Equalizer is one of your first tastes at Gore Weapons in Shadow Warrior 3. While the other two Gore Tools are more than tools, the Equalizer is a two-handed melee weapon.

It’s used by simply attacking like normal and slams down a heavy attack on any unfortunate demons.

Disco Grenade – 2 Finisher Bars

The Disco Grenade is found by performing a finisher on the Laser Shogun. Distinguished by the fact they’re a floating robot head with large yellow crystals on their back, the Laser Shogun’s Gore Tool is great for clearing out hordes.

Throwing the Disco Grenade will cause it to float up and shoot lasers all around on impact. While it doesn’t do overly high damage, the fact it has a high area of effect and causes enemies to stop in their paths is more than enough.

Penetrator – 2 Finisher Bars

What’s better than guns? A huge drill that mows down any enemy in front of you! Found by executing the demon moles, the Mogura Twins, the Penetrator is used by holding attack and watching as enemies die.

It can be difficult to control, but the Penetrator does constant damage once you land on an enemy. It’s a great way of dispatching enemies but isn’t great with crowd control.

Seeking Eye – 2 Finisher Bars

Found on the Seeking Shokera, the Seeking Eye is one of the easiest Gore Tools to use. Simply looking towards your enemies causes this flying eyeball with sharp spikes to attack enemies.

The Seeking Shokera can be found floating around combat arenas. They sit in a bowl-type object and attack from a range, but typically get closer to you. Regardless of their Gore Tool, it’s good to prioritize these demons, as they can be fairly annoying.

Swarm Launcher – 2 Finisher Bars

By using your finishers on the Slinky Jakku, a demon-like accordion, you’ll receive your first ranged Gore Weapon. Upon firing, the Swarm Launcher continuously sends out multiple fireworks before exploding and releasing many fireworks when it’s finished. It’s not the best Gore Weapon, but it’s pretty fun to use!

Blade of Hattori – 2 Finisher Bars

What’s better than Lo Wang’s Katana? An even bigger sword! Hattori’s are demon samurais, noticeable by their Samurai-like attire and the fact they possess three purple orbs above their heads. When using a finisher, you’ll receive one of the best Gore Weapons in the game!

Attacking with the Blade of Hattori is a good way to deal with damage, but if you hold the attack button down, time will slow, and you can highlight an enemy. When you release, you’ll fly towards them and deal a strong attack.

Hungry, Hungry Heart – 2 Finisher Bars

Coming from one of the strangest enemies in the game, the Hungry, Hungry Heart is a grenade that, upon impact, creates a gravity-pulling field that drags in all enemies nearby. This allows you to spam in as many rockets and explosives as you can.

The Hungry, Hungry Heart is found upon finishing Chef Oburu Goruma, a machine-type demon with a grinder in his stomach for shredding meat. It’s a great method for crowd control, and since Oburu Goruma plants purple explosives over the combat arena, it’s a good idea to get rid of him.

Double Trouble – 3 Finisher Bars

Last but certainly not least, Double Trouble. This dual-wielded machine-gun type weapon is great for getting rid of pretty much any enemy in the game. It deals good damage, shoots fast, and is just fun to use in general.

The Gassy Obariyon is a giant flying demon with another head and pair of feet coming out of its stomach. It’s the only enemy in the game which requires three finisher charges to execute, but it’s certainly worth it!