Do you want to know how to unlock Kloros Guild in Forspoken? Forspoken is an open-world adventure game set in a magical realm. It is an open-world action RPG game developed by Luminous Productions. Kloros Guild Tower offers you a lot of rewards when you play through the game. You need to visit and enter the Tower to get the rewards. This guide will tell you how to unlock Kloros Guild in Forspoken.

What is Kloros Guild in Forspoken?

If you’re looking for a challenge in Forspoken, you won’t want to miss out on exploring Kloros Guild! This mysterious Tower is located in the southwest part of middle Praenost and is surrounded by Nightmare Clouds, so be prepared for a bit of climbing before you get there. Once you make it, don’t let your guard down, though, since there may be some surprises waiting inside.

If you can bravely face what’s inside the walls of Kloros Guild, then a great reward awaits! It would be best to use magical abilities to get inside the Tower. Once you have unlocked it, you will get a set of Nails that lengthen any adverse effects Frey inflicts on enemies.

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How to Unlock Kloros Guild in Forspoken?

You can unlock Kloros Guild in Forspoken through the Balcony on the top using the ‘Zip’ ability. You get the ‘Zip’ ability once you beat the first boss Tanta Sila. Here are the steps you need to follow.

  • Go to the southwest part of Middle Praenost, as shown on the above map.
  • Once you are there, you will see the Tower to the right. There are Four rock formations on one side of the Tower. Two tall Rock formations are in two corners, while two shorter Rock formations are in the middle.
  • One shorter Rock formation is located near the Balcony of the Tower. Climb the Taller Rock formation near that Rock formation and Jump to the Shorter Rock formation.
  • Then jump to the Balcony. Remember to use your Zip ability to do the jumps.
  • Go down to the bottom of the Tower, where you will meet a Nightmare.
  • Defeat the Nightmare and come out of the Tower. You will unlock the Kloros Guild. If you see any items in the path, you can enter the Tower again once you have unlocked it.

So, this is how you can unlock Kloros Guild in Forspoken! Now that you know the steps, it should be easy to do. Remember to use your Zip ability; you will receive rewards from Kloros Guild Tower. Have fun playing Forspoken!

Forspoken is available on PC and PS5.

Sources:100% Guides, Euro Gamer